About us

Who we are?

Vic-Con provides a wide range of professional consulting services

Internationally recognized professional qualities, experience and an effective internal control system allow us to provide high-quality services with optimal conditions and affordable prices. Focusing on the needs of our clients, we offer them an individual approach and thoughtful solutions that contribute to the success of their business.

The scope of our services can include full support from company registration and subsequent accounting, tax and personnel accounting to individual consultations. We help small and medium business owners and managers understand and analyze financial statements, identify risks and find ways to minimize those risks.

In order to increase efficiency in the work of our clients, we offer various trainings, including familiarization with the basic concepts of financial reporting, organization and accounting, development of internal control systems in various fields of activity, tax, labor and other entrepreneurial legislation of Azerbaijan. By providing high-quality professional services, we contribute to the well-being of our clients.

Vic Con team


Our mission is to help our clients succeed and succeed in their business. We strive to be a reliable partner for entrepreneurs and provide them with quality and professional services.

We understand that every company has unique goals and challenges. Therefore, we pay special attention to the individual approach to each client. We listen and understand their needs to provide solutions that fit their business. Our team consists of experienced professionals who are ready to provide a wide range of services to our clients to achieve operational efficiency, financial stability and sustainability.


We strive to be a leading and recognized expert in business services by providing high quality solutions and support to our clients. Our vision is to create and develop long-term partnerships with our clients based on trust, professionalism and mutual success. We aim to be the first choice for companies that require reliable and efficient business services.

We see ourselves as a strategic partner for our clients, helping them achieve and exceed their goals and ambitions. We are committed to providing our customers with innovative solutions that help them increase their competitiveness, streamline operations and improve their financial results.